主辦機構: 香港口琴協會,通利琴行
日期: 2011年7月8日 (星期五)
時間: 晚上7:30 – 9:30
地點: 通利演藝廳, 九龍灣宏照道38號MegaBox12樓
講者: 米高‧添拿 – 德國和來樂器廠客户服務主管
嘉比‧韓特 – 德國和來樂器廠半音階口琴生產線主任
查詢: info@hkharmonica.org
米高‧添拿 Michael Timler
Born in the fifties, Michael Timler discovered the harmonica at the age of 8 and since that time, it was his main occupation in life. Experienced as a professional diatonic blues player and service technician and technical teacher in several branches, he discovered the inside of ‘his’ instrument in 2002, when he started his own business as a harmonica dealer and customizer.
He soon developed an easy way in which to adapt a service strategy regarding harmonicas that can be done even by unskilled persons.
He claims, that as soon as you know the inside of your instrument and are able to detect the faults of the instrument yourself, you will automatically become a better player, because the instrument will follow the player and not the other way round.
As the head of the service department of Hohner he is honored putting his energy and knowledge into the service department of this world-renowned brand in the music business.
嘉比‧韓特 Gabi Hand
Born and raised in the Hohner capital Trossingen in Germany as the child of Hohner employees in the second generation, Gabi Hand started her career in the factory 16 years ago. As the leader of the Chromatic harmonica production line and member of the Hohner Service Team, she’s one of the most important resources in making Chromatic Harmonicas and an absolute unique specialist worldwide, regarding this instrument.